Reflections over dinner: the future of commerce according to Drop & Shopify

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Today, eCommerce is becoming more and more integrated into business processes. The Private Dinner organized by Drop with the help of Shopify was the ideal opportunity to discuss the issues that are determining the future of this sector.

It was an informal and convivial evening between us at Drop, our colleagues at Shopify and various representatives of Italian brands from different sectors (fashion, beauty, pharma, furniture, etc.) we exchanged ideas and thoughts on trends and commercial strategies. Roberto Liscia (Netcomm), Valentina Pontiggia and Alice Chieppa (Digital Innovation Observatories) were also among us.
Here are some ideas that emerged from the evening.

The transformation of Commerce

One of the main topics that emerged during the evening was the transformation of the very concept of eCommerce. Our integrated approach, emphasized by collaboration with the Horsa Group, reflects this evolution. From the simple eCommerce of the past, we are now faced with a fully integrated commerce model that covers all commercial verticals.

Shopify Plus: Innovation and Leadership

In this context, Shopify Plus stands out as a smart platform, officially positioning itself among the leaders of Enterprise platforms. Its roadmap highlights significant developments in user experience, artificial intelligence and more, as demonstrated by the recent Winter 2024 edition.

Focus on B2B

The temporary slowdown in B2C consumption has catalyzed attention on B2B processes. This sector, although not new, is experiencing a new era. Shopify Plus emerges as a protagonist in this scenario, offering innovative solutions for the specific needs of the B2B market.

Simplification and concentration on processes

Another crucial issue is the need to simplify processes, focusing on their efficiency rather than on technicalities that can slow down operations. A particularly relevant approach in the current context of digital acceleration. Shopify confirms itself as a suitable choice to face this challenge, offering intuitive and results-oriented solutions.

What clearly emerges is the need to constantly adapt and innovate to remain competitive in such a dynamic landscape.

Before closing, we would like to thank the Shopify Italia team for organizing this event with us. Special thanks also go to all the participants with whom it was truly pleasant to exchange chats and anecdotes.



— 15 March 2024


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