eCommerce and sustainability: the new collaboration between Drop and Gaia Segattini Knotwear

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Both coming from the Marche region, the commerce provider Drop | e-business & love! this time playing at home by supporting the sustainable pop knitwear brand Gaia Segattini Knotwear (GSK).

The objective is to promote the evolution of the brand's online presence, positioning eCommerce as a strategic channel to give accessibility to its exclusive garments to a wider audience.

A key step in this process was the adoption of an omnichannel strategy achieved through replatforming on the Shopify platform, an ecosystem capable of effectively harmonizing the brand's physical and online sales channels. Shopify POS was the additional but fundamental element capable of effectively integrating the brand's physical and digital sales channels, ensuring a fluid and seamless experience between eCommerce, physical stores and traveling pop-ups organized throughout Italy .
Gaia Segattini, Founder and President of the Board of Directors of the brand underlines: «We are happy to work with Drop, an Italian excellence that we chose for its specific expertise in eCommerce, from site design to logistics management. We immediately put the company in contact with our collaborators, creating the conditions for a synergistic and innovative collaboration."

Gaia Segattini Knotwear

Founded in 2019, Gaia Segattini Knotwear is a clothing brand that has adopted an alternative approach to quality production. The company places the person at the centre, focuses on the recovery of materials, the short supply chain and ethical financial management. By mainly using regenerated yarns or those coming from production surpluses (97% in 2022), GSK limits the waste of resources and adopts an unconventional production process in both aesthetic and production terms.

Production takes place entirely in the Marche region, a choice that allows direct control over the production process and the working conditions of suppliers and artisans, a philosophy that is also reflected in the definition of prices and production times.

Drop | e-business & love!

Drop | e-business & love! is an (e)Commerce provider with more than 20 years of experience in advisory, design, development and management of omnichannel, B2B and B2C e-commerce architectures and solutions.Drop accompanies brands and companies in a scenario that, from eCommerce, is quickly moving towards totally integrated "commerce".

The company is part of the Horsa group, an Italian ICT company that designs, implements and governs IT solutions for businesses. A reality of over 2,000 people covering all commerce and martech fronts: CRM, CDP, Data & Analytics, Cloud & Security, AI, etc.


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— 23 April 2024


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