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The highest form of love is in the pride of a flower in the buttonhole

The quote from Luigi Lardini, creative director of the Brand, contains the symbol that has become famous throughout the world: the Lardini flower, a detail that represents unmistakable style, elegance, hedonism and romance.
Lardini was born in the Marche region, in Filottrano, where the first men's collection was created in the 1970s. From here, the history of the brand becomes above all a family story, made up of people who combine craftsmanship and research in an innovative way.
In Drop, since 2022 we've been ensuring that the Brand's attention to detail is also present in its online sales channel.


What we’ve done

  • Platform development (Adobe Commerce)

  • E-commerce management

  • Merchant of records

  • Warehousing management

  • Warehouse insourcing

  • Drop BI & KPIs monitoring

  • Strategy & roadmapping

  • Fraud management

Want to know more?


Design & Development by Drop & Basilico Agency


3D model created by modifying "Flower Point Cloud Photogrammetry" © Moshe Caine (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)


Drop s.r.l.
VAT 01383870431
Headquarter: Via Sandro Pertini 1 – 63812 Montegranaro (FM)
Drop is part of Horsa Spa